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No New Posts Leader's Den

Dripping from the edge of the large rock, lichen falls to the floor of the camp, creating a curtain of lichen to conceal the space under it. This is where the leader sleeps.

Moderators: La Belleza, missmarauder2, aNNIk4 , Tiger

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No New Posts Medicine Cat's Den

Close to the leader's den, there is a large cave in the side of the dip where the earth caved in. Little holes have been dug into the walls to store the herbs for the medicine cat. They have also dug a small tunnel to a small den where the medicine cat sleeps.

Moderators: La Belleza, missmarauder2, aNNIk4 , Tiger

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No New Posts Warriors' Den - 1 Viewing

A massive heap of brambles and thorns marks the warriors' den. It is located near the entrance to the camp.

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No New Posts The Nursery

Under a large pile of rocks, with bramble protecting the holes, and feathers and moss stuffed in the holes on the inside, the mothers and their children sleep until they are able to become apprentices, or go back to their normal duties. It is located in a shadowy corner of the dip, closer to the leaders' den than anything.

Moderators: La Belleza, missmarauder2, aNNIk4 , Tiger

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No New Posts The Apprentices' Den

In another shallow dip on the other side of the hidden entrance, branches; twigs; and bramble create a smaller, but still fairly large, den where the apprentices sleep.

Moderators: La Belleza, missmarauder2, aNNIk4 , Tiger

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No New Posts Elder's Dean

A small, chopped, sick-looking tree - gray and brittle - stands near the Nursery. Under the tree is a large, spacy hollow lined with moss and feathers, and this is where former warriors and queens sleep.

Moderators: La Belleza, missmarauder2, aNNIk4 , Tiger

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DawnClan's Camp

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Clan Descriptions
La Belleza 0 225 by La Belleza
Mar 28, 2009 17:26:46 GMT -5


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Board Description
DawnClan's Camp
The Clan farthest east, DawnClan has bowl of land for a camp. The grass sways with the slightest bit of movement. Small rocks and shallow dips provide little cover. One large rock stretching across the edge of the bowl of land and reaches our into open air is where the leader calls Clan meetings. A large wall of dark brown bramble protects the camp from invasion. There is a secret entrance that only DawnClan warriors can find.
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