Post by Tiger on Mar 26, 2009 15:50:38 GMT -5
42 moons
Mother :x:
Father :x:
Sisters :x:
Open and looking.
Rowantail is a ginger tom with rich-toned fur and vivid, dark red stripes. His fur is palest on his face and legs; it is darkest on the top of his tail. When his pelt gets wet, the stripes take on a rust-like tone and the lighter areas change to the hue of a beach that has been rained on. It is short and of uniform length all over his body. Although Rowantail's fur is not particularly water-resistant, it is sufficiently thick to keep him warm during the cold leaf-bare. Its texture is neither soft nor coarse; it is instead somewhere in the middle.
He is rather thickly-built and is slightly stockier than the average cat. Rowantail's muscles are well-developed, thus giving him an advantage in both battle and intimidation of those cats who judge others by appearance alone. Apart from his slightly larger size, he is no different in build than a typical cat and does not boast long legs or a stumpy tail.
Rowantail's eyes are a dull yellow. They appear to take on a faint golden tone due to the reflection from his fur. Even his iris looks slightly discolored due to this odd occurrence. However, looking any different than other cats has never been an issue to him. His nose is a pale pink but his paw pads are black; he has white whiskers.
Deputies are typically chosen for their position because the leader believes that they will be the best one for the job. The same is true for Rowantail, although the reason he sits in such a high spot is not due to his dedication, honesty, or even his skill on the battlefield. He has gotten where he is almost solely by knowing his way with words and manipulating the minds of his clanmates so that he can get what he wants.
Despite these less than pleasant tendencies, Rowantail truly would be a good leader--and he is quick to point that out in nearly any circumstance. He is charismatic and rather popular among DuskClan, despite his ill intentions behind his behavior. The tom lives for the spotlight and wishes nothing other than success for himself. His eloquence has resulted in a permanently egotistic state of mind and he is quick to become frustrated if he doesn't get his way.
Being cunning and slick has yet to cause Rowantail any problems; he knows (but will not admit) that karma does exist and that he cannot talk his way out of whatever StarClan might have planned for him. He is extraordinarily loyal to DuskClan, almost to the point of being annoying with his patriotic attitude. The deputy is quick to put down the other clans and is always in favor of battle, no matter how unnecessary it may be. He supports things such as (literally) ripping the pelt off of a trespasser who wandered across the border while chasing a squirrel and other sorts of cruel, sadistic punishments.
Background Information
Rowantail was born in DuskClan to a one-time queen and her mate. The family did not hold much power within the clan hierarchy; on the contrary, poor Brindlepelt and her kits were looked down upon because Ivytail was notorious for vanishing for long periods of time. Some cats believed it was because he would go out hunting and was simply too stupid to be able to return within a normal range of time, but most believed that he was out having affairs with rogue she-cats. They took it in stride and Brindlepelt successfully raised her litter of three kits with little to no interference from their father.
When Rowankit, Palekit, and Kestrelkit reached the age of six moons, they were apprenticed. Kestrelpaw's mentor was a former queen who was reluctant to fight and get dirty, Palepaw got stuck with a belligerent, blue-furred tom, and Rowanpaw's mentor (a tom called Rainfur) was the considerably more composed brother of the latter. Rowanpaw, who had never had a father figure in his life, began to look up to his mentor. To him, that cat was an idol, a hero, an example to follow. He liked the way that the skinny Russian Blue mix thought. The apprentice was learning more than how to fight and how to hunt; he was learning how to channel his ambition and his gift with words. When Rowanpaw told Rainfur that he wanted to grow up to lead DuskClan, his mentor approved and began secretly teaching him how to manipulate the minds of his clanmates so that his ambitions could be met.
Shortly before her siblings earned their warrior names, Palepaw and her mentor vanished during a routine evaluation. Although the exact cause of their disappearance is still unknown, a consensus was reached that they were killed in a fox attack due to a bloodstain not far from the training hollow and the fact that several of the beasts were spotted in or around DuskClan territory shortly after. However, Rowanpaw and Kestrelpaw still received their warrior names--Rowantail and Kestrelsong--as it was originally scheduled.
At the age of thirty moons, he learned of an odd discovery that had been made on a recent border patrol. The body of a gray tomcat called Ivytail had been found under a tree. Rowantail did not wish to see his father for a final time before his burial; he simply believed that a cat who had never cared in the least about him deserved those final respects. Brindlepelt shared his indifference and was actually glad that--as she put it--the "good for nothing pile of fox-dung I thought I loved is finally gone from the forest for good." Kestrelsong took the loss a little differently. She became more withdrawn and sat to watch as the elders drug Ivytail to his final resting place. Just a moon and-a-half later, Brindlepelt died in her sleep; she had been in poor health for a couple of seasons now. Both Rowantail and Kestrelsong grieved freely and openly, as they had maintained a very close relationship with her for the duration of their lives.
Just a short season later, another death shook the clan. This time, it was that of the elderly leader Tornstar. Several cats tried to influence Lightstar to pick them as her own replacement. In the end, Rowantail's skill with words and vocal propaganda won him the top spot. He was thrilled with his own personal victory and is trying to remain on the leader's good side so that she does not decide that he is just a power-hungry, incompetent moron. So far, his plan is working.
Roleplay Sample
Rowantail padded out of the warriors' den, imperially surveying the halcyon early morning atmosphere of DuskClan camp. The birds were stringing peaceful melodies from the air and broadcasting them through their beaks. Although this was a wake-up call for some--the deputy included--most cats slept through this splendor of dawn. He gave a great yawn and padded over to the dwindling fresh-kill pile and seized the fattest, juiciest rabbit from the top before sitting down beneath an oak sapling to dine. The prey's flesh was tender and had the most beautiful flavor; for the briefest, wildest moment, he still felt a tinge of warmth radiating from its now still heart. Although Rowantail was not the type of cat to observe a morning such as this and call it "beautiful," he enjoyed these times. He was alone and he enjoyed being such. He felt like the world and all it had to offer was entirely his for the taking.
What a feeling it was.
Speaks in chocolate.
Used here, a
LOOK around! tears are falling, f a l l i n g down. NOTHING can be
now that steel has met steel, one single cry comes forth from our hearts: long live duskclan!